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Let's Help Inc.

200 S. Kansas Ave., Topeka KS 66603, Shawnee County


About Us

Lets Help, Inc. is committed to working with individuals and families so that the cycle of poverty is broken and self-sufficiency is attained. Founded in 1969, our not-for-profit organization provides a variety of programs and services for the community and collaborates with other public and private agencies for greater effectiveness. Our programs reach tens of thousands of people each year and involve hundreds of volunteers. Together, were breaking the cycle of poverty and building a better community. Lets Help works closely with other helping agencies in the community and provides appropriate referrals. Applicants for our services are carefully screened to ensure there is no unnecessary duplication of services among agencies in Shawnee County. Lets Help is a not-for-profit organization that serves Shawnee County and the surrounding area. We provide services for the entire community: Comprehensive Emergency Services Adult Education and GED Programs Pre-Employment and Job Placement Coordination Food Pantry Community Clothing Bank, & \"The Career Closet\" Free Community Lunch Program Mission: We are committed to building a better community by inspiring hope, promoting self-sufficiency and breaking the cycle of poverty one person at a time. *We believe in the dignity and worth of every person *We believe every person can make a positive difference in the lives of others *We believe that with motivation and opportunity people will reach their potential *We believe that as a community we are responsible for the well-being of our neighbors

Volunteer Opportunities

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Front Desk Receptionist

200 S Kansas Ave, Topeka KS 66603, Shawnee County
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Clothing Bank Donation Sorter / Stocker

200 S Kansas Ave, Topeka KS 66603, Shawnee County
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Clothing Bank Receptionist

200 S Kansas Ave, Topeka KS 66603, Shawnee County