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Core Mentoring

211 E Garfield, Greensburg KS 67054, Kiowa County

Children / Families

About Us

Our Mission: To Create resilience through healthy relationships One-on-one relationships are crucial to our ministry. It is during these times that students cultivate trust, gain help with issues they are experiencing, and learn valuable life lessons. A Mentor can help inspire hope in students to rise above their current situations, strive to successfully complete school, and even set future goals! Our mission through Core Mentoring is changing the lives of our youth through consistent relationships with mentors. We connect mentors with young people to positively influence their lives; including their spirituality, lifestyle choices, and future decisions. We have one mentor program with two different opportunities to be a mentor.

Volunteer Opportunities

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MATCH Mentor for Teens

211 E Garfield, Greensburg KS 67054, Kiowa County