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Greater Wichita YMCA

402 N. Market, Wichita KS 67202, Sedgwick County

Children / Families

About Us

The Greater Wichita YMCA is a non-profit organization that serves more than 270,000 kids and adults through child care, camping, urban outreach programs and healthy lifestyle activities. Nearly two out of three kids in Sedgwick and Butler Counties participate in YMCA activities and more than 72,000 participants receive free and assisted programs. Within the YMCAs financial capabilities, no person is refused program or membership privileges because of inability to pay.

Volunteer Opportunities

Card image

CHEER on participants, count laps on track & pool, set-up/clean-up (Clone)

Tri Support & Cheer
402 N. Market, Wichita KS 67202, Sedgwick County
11-17-2024 to 11-17-2024
Available Shifts:

11-17-2024    06:30 am to 09:30 am
11-17-2024    09:00 am to 12:00 pm
11-17-2024    11:30 am to 02:30 pm