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West Plaza Neighborhood Association

West Plaza, Kansas City MO 66202, Allen County


About Us

First and foremost, it's a big dose of awesomeness! In short, Ithaca, New York is credited with being the first American city to host a PorchFest. That was in 2007. Their event is still going strong, and growing each year. Inspired by Ithaca, a dozen other cities have followed suit. In general, PorchFests are hosted in older, often historic neighborhoods -- typically in urban environments -- with the shared goal of promoting the greatness of older neighborhoods, and hearing amazing, local music. The setup: Musicians perform on front porches throughout a specific geographic area. Attendees wander from porch to porch, on foot or bike, listening to a variety of musical styles. See? Awesomeness personified! We're excited to launch a PorchFest in the West Plaza neighborhood of Kansas City. We hope you join us in kicking off this first year in big, amazing, Kansas City style! Spread the word!