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12713 East Castlewood Court, Wichita KS 67206, Sedgwick County

Children / Families

About Us

Families who host international high school students often tell us about the joy of experiencing another culture while sharing the American way of life. Cultural exchange experiences can be life-changing for the high schooler AND for the host family. Host Families often develop long-lasting relationships with their foreign exchange students and their families. Open your heart and home to an international exchange student and perhaps you will find yourself halfway around the globe celebrating with them and their family in the years that follow your hosting experience.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Host Catholic girl from Brazil for 2024-2025 school year

Host Catholic girl from Brazil for 2024-2025 school year
Sedgwick County, Wichita KS 67206, Sedgwick County
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Host family

Host an exchange student!
Your home, Wichita KS 67206, Sedgwick County