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White Memorial Camp

1271 S. 1050 Rd., Council Grove KS 66846, Morris County

Children / Families

About Us

Not for profit summer camp beautifully located on Council Grove Reservoir. We serve youth of all ages, families and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in week-long camp sessions. We also host a wide variety of events such as meetings, retreats, weddings and family reunions. Beautiful space, gorgeous location. Volunteers tell us they get more out of the experience than those they are serving. We are open to your specific talents or come find a spot working with campers or helping out in the kitchen or mowing grass.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Mentor, Counselor, Team Member

Camp Counselor
1271 S 1050 RD, Council Grove KS 66846, Morris County
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Welcome / Departure Team

1271 S. 1050 Rd., Council Grove KS 66846, Morris County
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Summer Camp Promotion

1271 S. 1050 Rd., Council Grove KS 66464, Morris County