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Topeka Lions Club

P.O. Box 2804, Topeka KS 66601, Shawnee County


About Us

Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion. Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Our 1.37 million members perform valuable service in 210 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Lions are friends, family and neighbors who share a core belief: community is what we make it. Join us in making a difference! As a Lion, you’ll join a local group of service-minded men and women who are working together to strengthen your community. You’ll also be part of something bigger—a worldwide network of dedicated volunteers in over 46,000 clubs. Be the difference in your community. Be a Lion! Projects/Events: Youth Recognition: Held the last Monday in April we host a luncheon to honor 2 youth from each area High School for academic excellence and involvement in their respective schools. Environment: On the 2nd Saturday of the month we clean up a two mile section of the Shunga Trail by the Skate Park near 23rd and Washburn, at 7:30 AM or sunrise when the temperature is above freezing. Journey for Sight 5K Walk/Run and 10K Run First Saturday in April we need volunteers to help man the course and keep the runners directed to make the proper turns. Runners are welcome too as this is our annual fundraiser to raise funds to purchase eyeglasses for the needy in Topeka Vision Assistance For those who qualify for financial assistance we provide a voucher to purchase basic eyeglass frames fitted with their prescription. We also provide free screening for children to catch vision problems early enough so that something can be done to correct the problem. In some cases we can provide a free eye exam. We host an annual food drive to benefit local charities.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Pick Up Trash

Clean the Shunga Trail 2nd Saturdays
22nd and Washburn Ave, Topeka KS 66611, Shawnee County