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6841 W Shade Lane, Wichita KS 67212, Sedgwick County

Human Rights

About Us

Passageways Mission: Passageways is a faith-centered program, providing supportive services to veterans and their families to prevent and/or eliminate homeless conditions. The programs consist of temporary housing of male veterans who are or are about to become homeless. We provide them with the phases to recovery and help them reach the goal of no longer being homeless through Passageways Living Center. We also provide services to any veteran who is coming out of homelessness into housing through our Outreach Center. This Center provides a place for veterans, male and female, to shop for items to furnish their new homes. Veterans shop for free in our Outreach Center.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Gardening, yard work., maintaining flower beds, bushes and trees

Garden Club
Virtual Opportunity
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6841 W Shade Lane, Wichita KS 67212, Sedgwick County
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Cleaning and Organizing

6841 W Shade Lane, #202, Wichita KS 67212, Sedgwick County
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Lifting, Loading, Unloading Donations

6841 W Shade Lane, Wichita KS 67212, Sedgwick County